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Meet the RCCF Board of Directors

Posted Tuesday August 10, 2021

Meet the Rice County Community Foundation Board of Directors! 

President: Craig Zwick

Craig is co-owner of BZ Bee Inc., Calm Creek Carriers Knighthawk Inc., Bar K Bar Trucking. Craig calls Lyons home and loves the small-town atmosphere and way of life! Craig is one of the founding members of the Rice County Community Foundation and has long served on our board. He also has been involved in the Celebration Centre board, heavily involved in Rice County 4-H, and the Kansas Ag Retailers Association.

A little about Craig's family, "My wife and I were both born and raised in Rice County. We both come from farming and business owner backgrounds. We have always worked together in our different businesses. We raised three children in Lyons. They were also involved in our businesses and two of them still are.

Our oldest is Anne Hjetland, husband Scott and they have two children; Cooper Hjetland and Rozalin Hjetland. Anne and Scott both work in our businesses. Our son Andy Zwick is married to Debra Randolph-Zwick. They live on Craig’s family farm east of Sterling. Andy works for our businesses also. Debra is part owner and veterinarian at the Sterling and Lyons Vet clinics. Our youngest is Molly Schultz, husband Dusting Schultz. They have one daughter Adaline Schultz. Molly is an RN and works for Rice County Hospital. Dustin owns his own construction business."

Vice President: JL Herold

JL calls Chase home, where he is near his family. His son and daughter's families both live close by, as well as his 5 grandchildren. He said, "Rice County is a good community, wouldn't want to live anywhere else".

JL is retired and enjoys staying active and spending time with his grandchildren. In addition to the foundation board, he volunteers his time with the Celebration Centre board and the Economic Development board. He is always the first person to help if someone needs help.

Treasurer: Shane Edwards

Shane is President at Lyons Federal Bank and lives in the Saxman area, between Sterling and Lyons. He loves the "Small-town values and the sense of county loyalty". He stays busy with a farm partnership with his brother and serving on the Economic Development committee, the Lyons Chamber of Commerce board, and the Atlanta Township board.

Shane is married to his wife Audrey and has two boys, Zach and Tyler.

Member: Jeff Laudermilk

Jeff is President of First Bank and is proud to be involved in lifting his community of Sterling up in any way he can. Jeff is a third-generation Rice Countian and is blessed to be surrounded by kids and grandkids nearby. He stays busy enjoying his community with Sterling College events, enjoying the Sterling lake, supporting the downtown, and managing a small farm and cow herd his father passed on to him.

"My involvement with RCCF allows me to grow in my vision to give back to our hometowns and to assist others in using their hard-earned financial resources to help strengthen and sustain the way of life we believe in. My focus is to help various groups partner with each other so resources go farther."

Member: Luca Raleigh

Lucas is the owner of Raleigh Insurance Agency, Inc. He calls Little River home and enjoys how close-knit the community is. "I get to work with friends and neighbors on a daily basis. I really get to help and step in when times are tough after a loss, and get people back to where they were". Lucas is also involved with the Kansas Association of Insurance Agents and Little River Development Group.

Lucas is married to his wife Kylee for 15 wonderful years! They have kids Saelyn who is 12 and Lincoln who is 11. They spend most of their time chasing them to different sporting events and practice!

Member: Dick Wires

Dick calls Geneseo home where he farms and is close by family, with his wife Penny and 2 kids who live close by. He loves farming for the independence, working with family, and the ties to the land. Dick also serves on the Rice Community Healthcare Foundation board and the Victoria Township board.

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